Search results for References by takai, m.
Zin Maung Maung Thein; Takai, M.; Uno, H.; Wynn, J.G.; Egi, N.; Tsubamoto, T.; Thaung-Htike; Aung-Naing-Soe; Maung-Maung; Nishimura, T.; Yoneda, M., 2011. Stable isotope analysis of the tooth enamel of Chaingzauk mammalian fauna (late Neogene, Myanmar) and its implication to paleoenvironment and paleogeography. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 300: 11-22


Fukuchi, A.; Nakaya, H.; Takai, M.; Ogino, S., 2009. A preliminary report on the Pliocene rhinoceros from Udunga, Transbaikalia, Russia. Asian Palaeoprimatology, Kioto Univ. Primate Research Institute 5: 61-98


Holroyd, P..; Tsubamoto, T.; Egi, N.; Ciochon, R.L.; Takai, M.; Soe Thura Tun; Chit Sein; Gunnell, G.F., 2006. A rhinocerotid perissodactyl from the late Middle Eocene Pondaung Formation, Myanmar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26 (2): 491-494
